Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each of sentences in the following questions.

Farmers depend on meteorologists. They need meteorologists' accurate forecasts for successful agricultural planning.

A.A. Due to meteorologists' accurate forecasts, farmers depend on them for successful agricultural planning.
B.B. Farmers depend on meteorologists who need their accurate forecasts for successful agricultural planning.
C.C. Farmers need meteorologists' accurate forecasts for successful agricultural planning and so they depend on you.
D.D. Farmers depend on meteorologists, whose accurate forecasts they need for successful agricultural planning.
Đáp án và lời giải
Đáp án:D
Lời giải:

D. Nông dân phụ thuộc vào các nhà khí tượng học, những người có dự báo chính xác mà họ cần để lập kế hoạch nông nghiệp thành công.

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