Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.

 In an unexpected sign of hope amid the expanding pandemic, scientists at the University of Oxford said on Tuesday that an inexpensive and commonly available drug reduced deaths in patients critically ill with COVID-19.

 If the finding is officially confirmed, the drug, a steroid called dexamethasone would be the first treatment shown to reduce mortality in severely ill patients. Had doctors been using the drug to treat the sickest Covid-19 patients in Britain from the beginning of the pandemic, up to 5,000 deaths could have been prevented, the researchers estimated. In the study, it reduced deaths of patients on ventilators by one-third, and deaths of patients on oxygen by one-fifth.

 Until now, hospitals worldwide have had nothing to offer these desperate, dying patients, and the prospect of a lifesaving treatment close at hand - in almost every pharmacy - was met with something like elation by doctors.

 Dexamethasone is the first drug to be shown to improve survival in Covid-19, one of the trial's chief investigators, Peter Horby, a professor of emerging infectious diseases at the University of Oxford, said in a statement. The survival benefit is clear and large in those patients who are sick enough to require oxygen treatment.

 However, there is still, obviously, a significant amount of scepticism. While hospitals in the United Kingdom were allowed to begin treating severely ill COVID-19 patients with dexamethasone, many experts in the United States demanded to see the data and the study itself, which have not yet been peer reviewed or published.

According to paragraph 2, it is estimated by researchers that _____ 

A.A. 5000 patients could have been saved had there been enough medical equipment.
B.B. 5000 patients would not have needed ventilators had dexamethasone been used.
C.C. 5000 patients would likely have not died if they had been given dexamethasone.
D.D. 5000 patients could have avoided COVID-19 infection if they had used steroids.
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Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu – chi tiết

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Theo đoạn 2, các nhà nghiên cứu ước tính rằng _____

A. Có thể cứu được 5000 bệnh nhân nếu có đủ thiết bị y tế.

B. 5000 bệnh nhân không cần thở máy đã sử dụng dexamethasone.

C. 5000 bệnh nhân có thể sẽ không chết nếu họ được cho dexamethasone.

D. 5000 bệnh nhân có thể tránh được nhiễm COVID-19 nếu họ đã sử dụng steroid.

Thông tin: Had doctors been using the drug to treat the sickest Covid-19 patients in Britain from the beginning of the pandemic, up to 5,000 deaths could have been prevented, the researchers estimated.

Tạm dịch: Các nhà nghiên cứu ước tính rằng nếu các bác sĩ sử dụng loại thuốc này để điều trị cho những bệnh nhân Covid-19 ốm yếu nhất ở Anh từ đầu đại dịch thì có thể ngăn chặn được tới 5.000 ca tử vong.

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