Read the following passage and choose the item that best answers each of the questions about it.

According to Dr. Lee, here are the most important things a student should do to be a good language learner. First, you should always go to class and get to it early. Second, you should sit straight and pay attention. And you ought to ask and answer questions in class. Third, you should do all homework and try to use your new language outside of class at least once every week. Finally, you mustn't give up!

The author was trying to ______ .

A.A. show how important the language is
B.B. introduce a new way of language learning
C.C. give the reader advice on language learning
D.D. persuade the readers to join their new language class
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Đáp án:C
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Dẫn chứng: According to Dr. Lee, here are the most important things a student should do to be a good language learner.

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