Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B or C

Traditional Animation

Movies and television shows made with traditional animation are also called cartoons. Teams of artists create them one picture at a time.

Thousands of drawings are needed for only a few minutes of animation. Each drawing is a bit different from the one before it. For example, to show a character walking, the first drawing might show the character with both feet on the ground. The next drawing might show the knee with a tiny bend and the foot slightly off the ground. In the third drawing, the knee might be bent more and the foot might be a little farther off the ground, and so on.

To save work and time, artists paint or draw the moving parts of a scene on sheets of clear plastic film. They place a drawing of the parts of the scene that do not move under the clear film. In this way they do not need to redraw the background in every picture.

Then filmmakers use a special camera to take a picture of each drawing on its background. Each of these pictures is called a frame. The camera records the frames one after another on long strips of film. To make the images move smoothly, twenty-four frames are needed for every second of film.

Filmmakers can also create animation with figures made of clay or other materials. Instead of drawing thousands of images, they take many photographs of figures set up in a scene. They move the figures slightly between each photograph.

According to the text, a few minutes of animated movies are made from ________ of drawings.

A.A. one
B.B. some
C.C. not so many
D.D. thousands
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Đáp án:D
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Dựa vào bài đọc, một vài phút của phim hoạt họa được tạo ra từ ______ bức vẽ.

A. một

B. một vài

C. không quá nhiều

D. hàng nghìn

Thông tin: Thousands of drawings are needed for only a few minutes of animation.

(Cần hàng nghìn bức vẽ chỉ để tạo ra một vài phút hoạt hình.)

Đáp án D.

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