Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question

Tuberculosis (T.B) is a serious disease that mainly affects the lungs. It is caused by bacteria. It spreads easily when a person with the disease coughs or sneezes. In serious cases, it causes coughing up blood, chest pain, high body temperature, weight loss and death. T.B usually can be cured with medicines. In Amsterdam, ministers from 20 countries signed a declaration to act against T.B. The ministers agreed to establish effective systems to provide medicines for people who have T.B and they would work to develop an effective vaccine to prevent the disease. The stop T.B Program organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) says 98% of the 2 million T.B deaths each year are in developing countries and 95% of the 8 million new T.B cases each year are in poor countries.

T.B is a serious disease that mainly affects the _______.

A.A. heart
B.B. kidneys
C.C. lungs
D.D. brain
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Dẫn chứng: Tuberculosis (T.B) is a serious disease that mainly affects the lungs

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