Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.A. The research has come to an end and new types of corals will soon be introduced in dying reefs.
B.B. Human activities lead to higher temperatures in oceans which do damage to coral reefs.
C.C. Coral reefs are comprised of not only corals but also a wide range of other creatures.
D.D. The aim of the experiment is to make corals accustomed to warmer ocean environments.
Đáp án và lời giải
Đáp án:A
Lời giải:

Đáp án A. The research has come to an end and new types of corals will soon be introduced in dying reefs.

Minh chứng: For the past five years, researchers in Hawaii and Australia have been engineering corals inside a lab to see if they could better resist the effects of climate change. They say it is now time to see how their creations perform in nature. (dự án này chưa kết thúc, bây giờ mới chuyển sang giai đoạn ứng dụng)

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