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92. NHỮNG CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM KHÓ BÀI 6 là tài liệu môn Tiếng Anh trong chương trình Lớp 12 được cungthi.online tổng hợp và biên soạn từ các nguồn chia sẻ trên Internet. Tạo nguồn tài liệu giúp các bạn trong việc ôn luyện và học tập

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NHỮNG CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM KHÓ (Tài liệu livestream 8h30 tối thứ 7 ngày 3/2/2018) Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh Facebook: Mrstranganh87 LESSON 6 1. “How was your exam?” “A couple of questions were tricky, but on the __________it was pretty easy.” A. spot B. general C. hand D. whole 2.If you practice regularly, you can learn this language skill in a short __________ of time. A. period B. aspect C. arrangement D. activity 3. Students can __________ a lot of information just by taking an active part in class. A. concern B. install C. appear D. memorize 4.A few years ago, a fire _____________ much of an overcrowded part of the city. A. battled B. devastated C. mopped D. developed 5.I have learned a lot about the value of labor from my_____________ at home. A. credit B. energy C. chores D. pot plants 6.Although he tried to hide it, it was ________ that Peter didn’t like his birthday present. A. foolish B. basic C. obvious D. vigorous 7. Environmental groups try to stop farmers from using harmful___________ on their crops. A. economy B. agriculture C. investments D. chemicals 8. If you______________ too much on study, you will get tired and stressed. A. concentrate B. develop C. organize D. complain 9. Good health and good methods of study are very necessary, or ___________ for success in college. A. available B. dependable C. essential D. efficient 10. In order to_______________ their goals in college, students need to invest the maximum amount of time, money, and energy in their studies. A. manage B. catch C. establish D. achieve 11. Parents have great hopes or great __________when they send their children to school. A. wishes B. obligations C. expectations D. plans 12.No one ever takes any notices of what I say. They never pay__________ to what I say. A. reply B. opinion C. attention D. support 13. She has changed so much that I didn’t____________ her right away. A. admit B. recognize C. know D. realize 14. After graduation, she found_____________ with a local finance company. A. career B. workplace C. service D. employment 15. Education in Britain has improved since the government started a programme of Educational______________ . . A. reform B. resources C. experience D. system 16. The group leader wanted that everyone worked together; she asked for everyone’s __________. A. combination B. responsibility C. competition D. cooperation 17. With hard work and study, you can __________the goals you set for yourself. A. establish B. succeed C. achieve D. increase 18. David never wastes his time; he tries to improve himself at every______________. . A. technique B. opportunity C. consideration D. operation 19. All students in the school are free to___________ any youth club they wish. A. perform B. become C. join D. participate 20. His_______ has always been to become a movie director. He wants very much to achieve it. A. direction B. ambition C. business D. study 21. All the negative violence on television has had a negative_________ on children. A. damage B. impact C. process D. effect 22. My mother __________ her services for an environmental group. She helps raise money to protect wildlife. A. stimulate B. encourages C. motivate D. volunteers 23. Students can __________ a lot of information just by attending class and taking good notes of the lectures. A. absorb B. provide C. transmit D. read 24. Some people___________ that you can learn more by travelling to a place than by reading about it. They say firmly that it is true. A. require B. encourage C. insist D. offer 25.Electric cars are better for the environment. _________ , they can save money on gas. A. In brief B. In conclusion C. In contrast D. In addition 26. Overpopulation tends to create conditions which may result in__________ of food in developing countries. A. supplies B. surpluses C. shortages D. failures 27. Because of the intensive farming, it’s now hard to find certain wild birds in the region. Actually, they have become ______________birds. A. unknown B. sparse C. scare D. rare 28.While some areas are suffering from___________ , others are experiencing heavy rains and floods. A. the weather B. the climate C. drought D. draught 29.It will certainly enhance your____________ of reading when you are aware of very slight differences in the writer’s expression. A. condition B. recommendation C. material D. enjoyment 30. A nurse must be____________ to the patients’ needs; she must understand what they need, and be helpful and kind to them. A. sensitive B. elegant C. aware D. likeable 31. The area has an_____________ of wildlife; there are lots of animals, birds, fish, and insects living there. A. abundance B. impression C. entertainment D. organization 32. You should read this novel. It has been __________ recommended by all the critics.