Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Our flight was delayed. We decided to spend time at the duty-free shops.

A.A. As our flight was delayed, we decided to spend time at the duty-free shops.
B.B. We have been spending time at the duty-free shops since our flight was delayed.
C.C. We decided to spend time at the duty-free shops in case our flight was delayed.
D.D. Although our flight was delayed, we decided to spend time at the duty-free shops.
Đáp án và lời giải
Đáp án:A
Lời giải:

A. Vì chuyến bay của chúng tôi bị hoãn, chúng tôi quyết định dành thời gian ở các cửa hàng miễn thuế.

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