Read the description of Jim’s bedroom. Circle the best answer A, B or C to each of the questions

Jim’s favorite room in his house is his bedroom. It is a great place for study and sleep. It is a bit small. It has a bookshelf, a desk and two chairs. There is a nice lamp on the desk. There is an air-conditioner above the wardrobe. There are three pictures on the wall. They are next to a big clock. The room has two windows and a door leading to the balcony. Jim likes his bedroom very much because it is quieter and brighter than other rooms in the house. However, in the future, he wants a bigger room with a TV in it.

What is on the desk?

A.A. Some books.
B.B. A picture.
C.C. A lamp.
D.D. Many colorful lamps.
Đáp án và lời giải
Đáp án:C
Lời giải:

Thông tin: There is a nice lamp on the desk.

Dịch: Có một chiếc đèn đẹp trên bàn làm việc.

Đáp án C

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