X. Read the following passage and mark A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the blanks:

            Higher education also provides a competitive edge in the career market. We all know that in the economic times we are living in today, finding jobs is not guaranteed. The number of people unemployed is still relatively high, and the number of new career (33) ___________ isn’t nearly enough to put people in jobs they are seeking. As a job seeker, you’re competing with a high number of experienced workers (34) ___________ have been out of the workforce for a while and are also seeking work. (35) ___________, when you have a higher education, it generally equips you for better job security. Generally speaking, employers tend to value those who have completed college than those who have only completed high school and are more likely to replace that person who hasn’t (36) ___________a higher education. Furthermore, some companies even go so far as to pay your tuition because they consider an educated (37) ___________to be valuable to their organization. A college education is an investment that doesn’t just provide you with substantial rewards. It benefits the hiring company as well.

A.A. responsibilities
B.B. activities
C.C. opportunities
D.D. possibilities
Đáp án và lời giải
Đáp án:C

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