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45. BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH UNIT 8 9 10(ANH 10) MRS TRANG ANH là tài liệu môn Tiếng Anh trong chương trình Lớp 12 được cungthi.online tổng hợp và biên soạn từ các nguồn chia sẻ trên Internet. Tạo nguồn tài liệu giúp các bạn trong việc ôn luyện và học tập

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Nội dung tóm tắt

TỔNG HỢP BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH UNIT 8-9-10 TIẾNG ANH 10 Collected by Mrs Trang Anh Facebook: Mrstranganh87 UNIT 8 ~ THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE I. MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Nothing is in......proper place. A. their B. its C. a D. the 2. When will these kids learn......properly? A. behave B. to behave C. behaving D. to behaving 3. She......her arms and the child ran towards her. A. spread B. widened C. stretched D. enlarged 4. Smoking can increase the......of developing heart disease. A. possibility B. risk C. capacity D. ability 5. The work he......early in his career has never really been better. A. did B. worked C. produced D. made 6. The yard had been enclosed......iron railings. A. around B. round C. in D. with 7. Wherever she led, they....... A. went B. came C. approached D. followed 8. I haven't seen much of her in the......few weeks. A. pass B. passed C. passing D. past 9. The only real...... is rest. A. treat B. treating C. cure D. curing 10. Doctors cannot.......a cure if the disease has spread too far. A. affect B. effect C. do D. help f 11. They suggested.......for a swim in the lake. A. go B. us to go C. to go D. we should go 12. She apologized......late. A. to arriving B. in arriving C. for arriving D. their arriving 13. She told him she......the film. A. saw already B. have just seen C. had seen D. already seen 14. The guard told the prisoner….... A. not shouting B. not to shout C. no shouting D. to not shout 15. "I'm......a teacher when I grow up," said the little girl. A. being B. studying C. going to D. going to be 16. We have lived in this town........fifteen years. A. since B. for C. last D. before 17. He said that if she.......on time, he would pay her. A. arrived B. would arrive C. is arriving D. has arrived 18. Peter asked what time the post office…..... A. closing B. to close C. close D. closed 19. The prisoner.........to have escaped. A. is believing B. is believed C. believes D. had been believed 20. As I.......along the beach, I saw Tom. A. had cycled B. was cycling C. am cycling D. have cycled 21. Denise suggested that I.......her. A. vis iing B. to visit C. should visit D. would visit 22. Lucia was surprised when her guests.......late for the party. A. came up B. turned up C. looked up D. put up 23. Although he's my friend, I find it hard to.......his selfishness. A. get out of B. come up with C. take on D. put up wit 24. I think a plain blouse would.......better.......that skirt. A. go - with B. put - with C. come - with D. go - to 25. All the ideas were good, but Michael.......the best plan of all. A. put on B. got on with C. came up D. came up with 26. Tim noticed how cold it was when he.......the plane. A. got off B. took off C. went off D. went out of 27. "If you don't find your book in this room, why......." A. don't look for it somewhere there? B. not look for it somewhere else? C. you not look for it some other where? D. you not look for it some elsewhere? 28. "Have you ever seen a live rhino?.......can you describe it?" A. If so, B. If you are, C. If you do, D. If you have, 29. "I don't want that student in my class." "If he....... really such a problem, I'll take him into mine." A. will be B. were C. is D. was 30........, a child will develop personality problems. A. If being ill-treated B. If ill-treated C. If be ill-treated D. If he be ill-treated II. Find a suitable word/ phrase for the sentences below. One example has been done for you. 0. A. Are you interested in geography lessons? B. She's got a degree in geography C. Kim knew the geography of the building and strode along the corridor. 1. A. She managed to.......the keys as they fell. B. 'Throw me over that towel, will you?"OK......!' C. The roof was leaking and I had to use a bucket to.......the drips. 2. A. Sue.......the map out on the floor. B. The bird.......its wings. C. Papers had been........out on the desk. 3. A. He.......all his money on a game of cards. B. They.......everything for their liberty. C. He.......his life to save her. 4. A. Her eyes used to.......in surprise. B. They may have to.......the road to cope with the increase in C. We plan to.......the scope of our existing activities by offering language courses. 5. A. The hotel offers a friendly.......and personal service. B. Use music and lighting to create a romantic....... . C. There was an.......of mutual trust and respect between them. 6. A. All existing models will be eventually.......by the new design. B. Teachers will never be.......by computers in the classroom. C. She.......her husband as the local doctor. 7. A. Please find.......a cheque for £100. B. Do not use this substance in an.......space. C. Please complete the.......application focm. 8. A. He.......her into the house.