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71. COLLOCATIONS TIEP là tài liệu môn Tiếng Anh trong chương trình Lớp 12 được cungthi.online tổng hợp và biên soạn từ các nguồn chia sẻ trên Internet. Tạo nguồn tài liệu giúp các bạn trong việc ôn luyện và học tập

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CHUYÊN ĐỀ VỀ COLLOCATIONS Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh Facebook: Mrstranganh87 (Tài liệu dùng kèm trong khóa học vượt qua chuyên đề mục tiêu 9+ của Cô Trang Anh trên dodaihoc.com) 1.How long does the play ? A. last B. stretch C. extend D. prolong Đáp án: A. last. Last (v): diễn ra; kéo dài stretch (v): làm cho 1 vật dài ra, rộng ra hoặc nới lỏng ra; extend (v): duỗi thẳng tay/ kéo dài thời gian/ gia hạn thêm; prolong (v): làm cho cái gì đó diễn ra dài hơn, lâu hơn 2. They all day swimming and sunbathing at the beach. A. passed B. used C. spent D. occupied Đáp án: C. spent. Vì ta dùng “spend time + V-ing” 3. We repair the banks of our……… of land. A. plot B. piece C. pie D. hole  A. plot of land: mảnh đất nhỏ 4.The plane seemed to dip and many people screamed in……….. A. happiness B. panic C. afraid D. exciting  B. scream in panic: la hét trong sự hoảng sợ 5. When we had given up all hope, we felt the plane slowly gained ………... A. high B. height C. tall D. length  B. the plane slowly gained height: máy bay dần lấy lại được độ cao (an toàn) 6.I think I ………… a cold. A. gain B. obtain C. have got D. eat C. to have/ have got a cold: cảm lạnh 7. Marie Curie received …………. education in local school and some scientific training from her father. A. general B. generally C. generation D. genetic  A. general education: giáo dục phổ thông 8.In spite of her difficult living conditions, she worked ……………….. hard. A. extremely B. absolutely C. completely D. perfectly  A. work extremely hard: làm việc cực kì chăm chỉ 9.After the tragic………… of Pierre Curie in 1906, she took up the position which her husband had obtained at the Sorbonne. A. death B. happiness C. living D. life  A. tragic death: cái chết thương tâm 10.The parents realized that the young teacher was ………… great efforts to help their poor kids. A. doing B. making C. having D. getting  B. make efforts: nỗ lực/ có nỗ lực 11.There are some ways of receiving information, including receiving information ………... A. aurally B. on ear C. early D. easily  A. receive information aurally: tiếp nhận thông tin bằng tai/qua tai 12.…………. rain during the night will occur all over the country today. A. Much B. Strong C. Heavy D. Heavily  C. Heavy rain: mưa to, mưa rào 13.The villagers had to work hard in the fields all day and could hardly make……… meet. A. end B. ends C. ending D. endings  B. make ends meet: làm chỉ đủ sống 14.The scientists introduced new farming methods which resulted in …………. crops. A. bump B. bumpy C. bumper D. large  C. bumper crop: vụ mùa bội thu 15.The scientists also helped the villagers grow ………….. crops for export. A. cash B. cashing C. money D. financial  A. cash crop: cây trồng thu hoa lợi, (thường dùng cho mục đích xuất khẩu) 16.Some are swimming animals such as fishes and sharks that move ………………. of water currents. A. dependent B. dependently C. independently D. independent  C. move independently: di chuyển tự do 17.Howletts Zoo in Kent is owned By John Aspinall, who is famous for his program of breeding…………..animals and reintroducing them into the wild. A. endangered B. dangerous C. normal D. ordinary  A. endangered species : những loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng 18. There are people who cannot …………a secret, either of their own or of others’. A. get B. remain C. keep D. take  C. keep a secret: giữ bí mật 19. What is the first quality for …………friendship and what does it tell you? A. true B. truth C. correct D. right  A. true friendship: tình bạn thực sự 20.How many………………friends do you have with her? A. common B. mutual C. separate D. deliberate  B. mutual friend: bạn chung 21.On my birthday my father gave me some money, so that I could buy a hat for myself, which made me…….. excited. A. extremely B. perfectly C. lonely D. correctly  A. be extremely excited: cực kì vui sướng 22.There was a sneaky ………… on his face, but I didn’t think much about it. A. sigh B. look C. watch D. glare  B. a sneaky look: cái nhìn lén lút 61. Inside his bag, I saw a ……… of dollar notes exactly like ones my father had given me. A. wad B. block C. pile D. carton  A. a wad of dollar notes: 1 cuộn tiền đô 23.He had stolen my money; I didn’t want to make a …………, so I decided just to take my money back from his schoolbag. A. fuss B. angry C. noise D. sound  A. make a fuss: làm ầm lên/ làm to chuyện 24.I had decided to bring my camera to …………. some photos of the happy family. A. get B. take C. have D. gain  B. take photo (s): chụp ảnh 25.The host and the wife moved around to make sure that everyone was having a good …………. A. second B. time C. times D. timing  B. have a good time: có thời gian vui vẻ 26.The party came to an ……… at about 11 p.m. A. end B. ends C. ending D. finish  A. come to an end: finish/end, kết thúc 27.In the USA, college students often ………….. many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or