Đề thi HSG môn Tiếng anh lớp 12 Sở GD ĐT Hải Dương Năm học 2012 2013 File word có đáp án

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Đề thi HSG môn Tiếng anh lớp 12 Sở GD ĐT Hải Dương Năm học 2012 2013 File word có đáp án là tài liệu môn Tiếng Anh trong chương trình Lớp 12 được cungthi.vn tổng hợp và biên soạn. Tạo nguồn tài liệu giúp các bạn trong việc ôn tập

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SỞ GIÁO DỤC – ĐÀO TẠO HẢI DƯƠNG************************ KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI TỈNH LỚP 12 THPT NĂM HỌC 2012- 2013Môn thi: Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút (Đề thi có 06 trang) Học sinh làm bài vào tờ giấy thi. Phần trắc nghiệm: Chỉ cần viết chữ cái A hoặc B, C, D. Phần tự luận: Viết đầy đủ theo yêu cầu của bài. (Thí sinh không được sử dụng bất kỳ tài liệu gì.) _______________________________________________________________ A. LISTENING: (15 points) I. Listen to the conversation and then choose the correct answer among A, B, C, or D for each question: 1. How long did Hannah think it would take her to find a place to live? A. less than three weeks B. three weeks C. more than three weeks D. more than four weeks 2. There is not enough accommodation to rent because……………………….. A. it is the end of the academic year B. Hannah is a new student C. the area has lots of new technology companies D. the town is small 3. £400 a month for rent is……………………….. A. higher than Hannah has paid before B. lower than Hannah has paid before C. cheap for the area D. not cheap for the area 4. At the moment Hannah is living……………………….. A. in a hostel B. in a guest house C. in a hotel D. in a flat 5. Hannah's new flat……………………….. A. is a bit noisy B. is on the second floor C. has two bedrooms D. has a large roof terrace II. Listen to the conversation and fill in each blank with ONE word: I attend English classes at a language program in my city because I want to improve my (6) ………… skills. English has become the international language around the world, and I might be able to get better (7) ………… and make more friends if I learn to speak it fluently. I take four classes a day that all (8) ………… on different language skills including reading, writing, listening, speaking, and grammar. I think that some people have a (9) …………ability to pick up a language and master it, but I don't think I fit that group. (10) …………, learning to speak English well requires a great amount of effort, (11) ………… and practice. Too often, students speak English in their classes, but they go back to using their (12) ………… language after school ends. In fact, if you want to (13) ………….to a new culture, you should make it a point to study, (14) …………, and practice everything you are studying. (15) …………, you will never learn and fit into any group. B. PHONETICS: (5 points) Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others in the group: 16. A. responsibility B. originality C. accommodation D. mischievousness 17. A. appliance B. conscientious C. independent D. confidential 18. A. psychology B. environmental C. impossible D. photography 19. A. stimulate B. maximize C. interrupt D. register 20. A. appointment B. punishment C. publicity D. efficient C. GRAMMAR – VOCABULARY – LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS: I. Choose the word, phrase or expression which best completes each sentence: (15 points) 21. Tom: “I thought your performance last Sunday was wonderful.” Laura: “………………………..” A. Don’t tell a lie. I thought it was terrible. B. You must be kidding. It was not as good as I had expected. C. I completely agree with you. It was terrific. D. No doubt! 22. Boy: “What is your greatest phobia?” Girl: “………………………..” A. I'm afraid not. B. Worms, definitely! C. Probably people who smoke. D. I haven't made up my mind. 23. Jenny: “Thank you very much for your donation, Mr. Robinson.” Mr. Robinson: “………………………..” A. You can say that again. B. I see. C. You are right. D. Delighted I was able to help. 24. I don’t think you have been watering the plants near the gate. The soil is ……………………….. A. as dry as rice B. as dry as a tile C. as dry as a bone D. as dry as wood 25. Susan was sad because she wasn’t invited to any social events. She felt ……………………….. A. left out B. turned out C. omitted out D. gone out 26. Most psychologists believe that the basic structure of an individual’s personality is……………………….. A. well established extremely by the age of five B. by the age of five it is extremely well established C. by the age of five and well established extremely D. extremely well established by the age of five 27. In most ……………………….. developed countries, up to 50% of ………………………..population enters higher education at some time in their lives. A. Ø / Ø B. the / Ø C. Ø / the D. the / a 28. I wish you ……………………….. me a new one instead of having it………………………..as you did. A. would give / to repair B. gave / to repair C. had given / to be repaired D. had given / repaired 29. Henry was really a silly boy when we were at high school. I still remember………………………..very stupid questions. A. him asking B. him to ask C. asking him D. his b