On tap thi hk2 anh van 11 on tap thi hkiitu luan

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On tap thi hk2 anh van 11 on tap thi hkiitu luan là tài liệu môn Tiếng Anh trong chương trình Lớp 11 được cungthi.online tổng hợp và biên soạn từ các nguồn chia sẻ trên Internet. Tạo nguồn tài liệu giúp các bạn trong việc ôn luyện và học tập

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Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn 1 ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HỌC KÌ II - LỚP 11 A. L TH T 1. Relative Clauses (Omit Relative clause, Reduce Relative clause) 2. Cleft sentences 3. Could/Be able to 4. Tag questions. 5. It is said that… 6. People say that … B. BÀI TẬP I. Identify and correct the mistake in each of the following sentence 1. The manager will be able to seeing you at 4 o’clock tomorrow. 2. We were not be able to find a cheap hotel than this. 3. That’s my neighbors who rescued me from the fire 4. Tom who cannot organize his social life very well. 5. It was gardening which gave me pleasure when I was at home. 6. It was my birthday that my parents gave me a book. 7. The person we talked to were very friendly 8. Rupert knows the family who’s house is for sale. 9. The letter that I opened it wasn’t for me 10. New Zealand was the first country given women the vote II. Fill each blank with a suitable word from the box A. 1. The hotel has special __________ for disabled athletes. 2. People use _________ to run machines, heat and cool their homes. 3. Thanh Ba Post Office has a __________ and pleasant front office. 4. If you want to send a document and do not want to lose its __________ shape, send it by fax machine. 5. The books are ___________ into different categories to subjects. 6. There are some hobbies that I ________________ in for a while besides reading and collecting. B. classified original indulge Spacious facilities energy aquatic wonders weightlessness Interference pyramids extinction Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn 2 1. Swimming and water skiing are both ________ sports. 2. Ancient Egyptians built stone __________ as places to bury their Kings. 3. Rare animals are decreasing so rapidly that they are in danger of ________. 4. The movie was about one of the ____________ of the world. 5. The 27-year-old Soviet cosmonaut became the first person to eat and drink in ______. 6. Because of the _______ of human beings, many animals have become extinct. III. Put the word in brackets in correct form 1. The air we breathe has become so filled with ________ that it can cause health problems. ( pollute) 2. She expressed deep _______at the way the post office’s staff serve customers. ( satisfy) 3. Our resource will soon be _______ if we don’t save them. ( exhaust) 4. In an emergency room, results of X rays, blood tests are reported to doctors _____________. ( immediate) 5. The world’s population grows every year, and so the ______ demand for food also constantly increases. (world) 6. Arthur died ___________ in prison and many people accused John of his murder. (mystery) 7. Before Gagarin’s historic flight, there were still enormous ______________. (certain) 8. Each tower of the Ponagar Towers was ______ to a different god.( dedicate) 9. The room was littered with ____________ newspapers. (discard) 10. Most of our major energies such as oil, coal, etc come from _______ resources. ( renew) IV. Rewrite the sentences: 1. They work in a hospital which is sponsored by the government. (reducing relative clause) →…………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. The airport is very modern. We are going to arrive at this airport. ( using preposition + relative pronoun) →……………………………………………………………………………….. 3. The lady coming with him last night is his aunt. (using relative clause) →…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. This is the third person who was given the gift. (using infinitive) →………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. He had three cars. One of them was made in Japan.(using which) →……………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. He suddenly shouted at me. It made me very upset.(using which) →……………………………………………………………………………………….. 7. The girl is John’s sister. I introduced you to her. Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.com.vn 3 →The girl to…………………………………………………………………………… 8. Women spend the wages, not men. → It ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9. The teacher has told the students an interesting story. →It is the students …………………………………………………………….. 10. People think that she died in a plane crash. →It……………………………………………………………………………. 11. It is reported that the Great Wall of China was built in the late of 1400s. →The Great Wall of China…………………………………………………………………….. 12. It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow. →The weather ………………………………………………………………………….. 13. People believe that he has special knowledge which may be useful to the police. →He ……………………………………………………………………………………… 14. Do you know the man ? You talked to his daughter last night. (using whose) → .............................................................................................................. 15. A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt. (using which)