Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, 7th Edition Raymond A. Serway, John W. Jewett

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Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, 7th Edition Raymond A. Serway, John W. Jewett là tài liệu môn Vật Lý trong chương trình Lớp 11 được tổng hợp và biên soạn từ các nguồn chia sẻ trên Internet. Tạo nguồn tài liệu giúp các bạn trong việc ôn luyện và học tập

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Linear (v) and angular ( ) velocity vectors Velocity component vectors Torque vectors ( ) Displacement and position vectors Force vectors (F) Force component vectors Acceleration vectors (a) Acceleration component vectors Linear (p) and angular (L) momentum vectors Linear or rotational motion directions Springs Pulleys Mechanics Electricity and Magnetism Light rays Lenses and prisms Mirrors Objects Images Light and Optics Electric fields Magnetic fields Positive charges Negative charges Resistors Batteries and other DC power supplies Switches Capacitors Ground symbol Current AC Sources Ammeters Voltmeters Inductors (coils) V A + – – + Pedagogical Color Chart v t Some Physical Constants Quantity Symbol Valuea Atomic mass unit u 1.660 538 86 (28)  1027 kg 931.494 043 (80) MeV/c2 Avogadro’s number NA 6.022 141 5 (10)  1023 particles/mol Bohr magneton 9.274 009 49 (80)  1024 J/T Bohr radius 5.291 772 108 (18)  1011 m Boltzmann’s constant 1.380 650 5 (24)  1023 J/K Compton wavelength 2.426 310 238 (16)  1012 m Coulomb constant 8.987 551 788 . . .  109 N m2/C2 (exact) Deuteron mass md 3.343 583 35 (57)  1027 kg 2.013 553 212 70 (35) u Electron mass me 9.109 382 6 (16)  1031 kg 5.485 799 094 5 (24)  104 u 0.510 998 918 (44) MeV/c 2 Electron volt eV 1.602 176 53 (14)  1019 J Elementary charge e 1.602 176 53 (14)  1019 C Gas constant R 8.314 472 (15) J/mol  K Gravitational constant G 6.674 2 (10)  1011 N m2/kg2 Josephson frequency–voltage ratio 4.835 978 79 (41)  1014 Hz/V Magnetic flux quantum 2.067 833 72 (18)  1015 T m2 Neutron mass mn 1.674 927 28 (29)  1027 kg 1.008 664 915 60 (55) u 939.565 360 (81) MeV/c2 Nuclear magneton 5.050 783 43 (43)  1027 J/T Permeability of free space m0 4p  107 T m/A (exact) Permittivity of free space 8.854 187 817 . . .  1012 C2/N m2 (exact) Planck’s constant h 6.626 069 3 (11)  1034 J s 1.054 571 68 (18)  1034 J s Proton mass mp 1.672 621 71 (29)  1027 kg 1.007 276 466 88 (13) u 938.272 029 (80) MeV/c2 Rydberg constant RH 1.097 373 156 852 5 (73)  107 m1 Speed of light in vacuum c 2.997 924 58  108 m/s (exact) Note: These constants are the values recommended in 2002 by CODATA, based on a least-squares adjustment of data from different measure- ments. For a more complete list, see P. J. Mohr and B. N. Taylor, “CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants: 2002.” Rev. Mod. Phys. 77:1, 2005. a The numbers in parentheses for the values represent the uncertainties of the last two digits.   h 2p P0  1 m 0c 2 mn  e  2mp 0  h 2e 2e h ke  1 4pP0 lC  h mec kB  R NA a0  2 mee 2ke mB  e  2me Solar System Data Mean Radius Distance from Body Mass (kg) (m) Period (s) the Sun (m) Mercury 3.18  1023 2.43  106 7.60  106 5.79  1010 Venus 4.88  1024 6.06  106 1.94  107 1.08  1011 Earth 5.98  1024 6.37  106 3.156  107 1.496  1011 Mars 6.42  1023 3.37  106 5.94  107 2.28  1011 Jupiter 1.90  1027 6.99  107 3.74  108 7.78  1011 Saturn 5.68  1026 5.85  107 9.35  108 1.43  1012 Uranus 8.68  1025 2.33  107 2.64  109 2.87  1012 Neptune 1.03  1026 2.21  107 5.22  109 4.50  1012 Plutoa 1.4  1022 1.5  106 7.82  109 5.91  1012 Moon 7.36  1022 1.74  106 — — Sun 1.991  1030 6.96  108 — — a In August 2006, the International Astronomical Union adopted a definition of a planet that separates Pluto from the other eight planets. Pluto is now defined as a “dwarf planet” (like the asteroid Ceres). Physical Data Often Used Average Earth–Moon distance 3.84  108 m Average Earth–Sun distance 1.496  1011 m Average radius of the Earth 6.37  106 m Density of air (20°C and 1 atm) 1.20 kg/m3 Density of water (20°C and 1 atm) 1.00  103 kg/m3 Free-fall acceleration 9.80 m/s2 Mass of the Earth 5.98  1024 kg Mass of the Moon 7.36  1022 kg Mass of the Sun 1.99  1030 kg Standard atmospheric pressure 1.013  105 Pa Note: These values are the ones used in the text. Some Prefixes for Powers of Ten Power Prefix Abbreviation Power Prefix Abbreviation 1024 yocto y 101 deka da 1021 zepto z 102 hecto h 1018 atto a 103 kilo k 1015 femto f 106 mega M 1012 pico p 109 giga G 109 nano n 1012 tera T 106 micro m 1015 peta P 103 milli m 1018 exa E 102 centi c 1021 zetta Z 101 deci d 1024 yotta Y This page intentionally left blank PHYSICS for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics Raymond A. Serway Emeritus, James Madison University John W. Jewett, Jr. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Australia • Brazil • Canada • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States Seventh Edition PHYSICS for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics Permissions Editors: Joohee Lee, Bob Kauser Production Service: Lachina Publishing Services Text Designer: Patrick Devine Design Photo Researcher: Jane Sanders Miller Copy Editor: Kathleen Lafferty Illustrator: Rolin Graphics, Progressive Information Technologies, Lachina Publishing Services Cover Designer: Patrick Devine Design Cover Image: Front: © 2005 Tony Dunn; Back: © 2005 Kurt