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22. 230 CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM CHO LUYỆN THI CẤP TỐC ĐÁP ÁN là tài liệu môn Tiếng Anh trong chương trình Lớp 12 được cungthi.online tổng hợp và biên soạn từ các nguồn chia sẻ trên Internet. Tạo nguồn tài liệu giúp các bạn trong việc ôn luyện và học tập

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ĐÁP ÁN CHO 230 CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM LUYỆN THI THPTQG CẤP TÓC Collected by Mrs Trang Anh Facebook: Trang Anh Câu 1: A. original B. phenomenon C. electronics D. transmission Câu 2: A. achievement B. calculate C. attitude D. voluntary Câu 3: A. dictation B. communicate C. occasion D. reservation Câu 4: A. attachment B. education C. engineer D. disappear Câu 5: A. patient B. ashamed C. trouble D. alter Câu 6: We live in a friendly community and everyone gets ___________ each other very well. A. out of B. down to C. up to D. on with Câu 7: Our feeling for beauty is inspired by the harmonious arrangement of order and disorder ______ in nature. A. as occurs B. it occur C. occurred D. as it occurs Câu 8: I think you are ___________ your time looking for a job in this town. There’s not much to do here. A. losing B. spending C. wasting D. missing 9: Our parents don’t allow ___________ out after midnight.A. going B. us go C. to go D. us going 10: He seldom goes fishing, ___________?A. doesn’t he B. does he C. isn’t he D. is he 11: The student ___________ the highest score will be awarded a scholarship. A. receiving B. receives C. who is receiving D. who receive Câu 12: According to some historians, if Napoleon had not invaded Russia, he __________ the rest of the world. A. had conquered B. would have conquered C. would conquer D. conquered 13: My car is quite ___________ .A. economics B. economic C. economical D. economy 14: “Hello! BBC1. ___________ can I help you?”A. How B. Where C. Which D. When 15: Have I ___________ to you how to use this new typewriter?A. told B. explained C. showed D. answered 16: “I’m very tired” “___________”.A. Me too B. For me the same C. I also D. Also me Câu 17: David: “ Thank you for the delicious meal” - Joan: “___________” A. Never wonder B. No problem C. All right D. I’m glad you enjoyed it 18: Today’s weather will be ___________ of yesterday. A. continuity B. continuous C. continuation D. continue 19: “How much do you earn, Joe?” - “I’d ___________”. A. better not to say B. rather not say C. prefer not say D. rather don’t say Câu 20: It is very important for a firm or a company to ___________ changes in the market. A. keep in touch with B. keep pace with C. keep pace of D. keep track with Câu 21: The ___________ of the pagoda in the water was very clear and beautiful. A. sight B. mirror C. shadow D. reflection 22: I can’t help you with your homework tonight; ____ shopping.A. I go B. I’m going C. I have gone D. I’ll go 23: She spends a ___ deal of her time gardening.A. large B. high C. big D. great Câu 24: Your behaviour makes me ___________ .A. anger B. in anger C. angrily D. angry Câu 25: Some people ___________sport to keep fit, not because they like it. A. train B. do C. practice D. make Câu 26: I don’t think she can get her message ___________ to the students. She seems too nervous. A. over B. out C. around D. across Câu 27: ___________ the phone rang later that night did I remember the appointment. A. Just before B. Only C. Not until D. No sooner 28: It looked dark and heavy ___________ it was going to rain.A. unless B. as if C. although D. whereas Câu 29: A ___________ of interest briefly crossed his face at the mention of her name. A. hint B. mark C. flicker D. trace Câu 30: ___________ that it might be easier to prepare a better map of the moon than of the Earth. A. The saying B. It is said C. They say D. To say Câu 31: The facilities of the old health centre ___________ . A. are as good as or better than the new centre. B. are as good or better than the new centre. C. is as good or better than the new centre. D. are as good as or better than those of the new centre. Câu 32: We are all dependent ___________ our cars and should be encouraged to leave them at home. A. of B. on C. to D. in Câu 33: ___________ weather! We can’t go out for a walk now. A. How a terrible B. How terrible C. What terrible D. What a terrible Câu 34: Jane wasn’t in when I arrived. I suppose she ___________ I was coming. A. may forget B. must have forgotten C. must forget D. can’t have forgotten Câu 35: We should study hard ___________ our parents can be proud of us. A. as that B. in order to C. in order that D. so as to Câu 36: I’m very glad that you’ve done lots of progress this semester. Câu 37: Your homework must to be done before class. Câu 38: Although the increase in airfares, most people still prefer to travel by plane. Câu 39: The workers were made work really hard, but their wages were low. 40: Some methods to prevent soil erosion are plowing parallel with the slopes of hills, to plant trees on unproductive land, and rotating crops. Câu 41: This quarrel is likely to lead to a fight. A. This quarrel is likely to result from a fight. B. The result of this quarrel is likely to lead to a fight. C. This quarrel is somewhat like a fight. D. This quarrel is likely to result in a fight.