50 bài tập Luyện tập CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN Môn Tiếng Anh Năm học 2017 2018 Phần 5 File word có lời giải chi tiết.doc

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50 bài tập Luyện tập CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN Môn Tiếng Anh Năm học 2017 2018 Phần 5 File word có lời giải chi tiết.doc là tài liệu môn Tiếng Anh trong chương trình Lớp 12 được cungthi.vn tổng hợp và biên soạn. Tạo nguồn tài liệu giúp các bạn trong việc ôn tập

Những địa chỉ uy tín để bạn mua sách

Nội dung tóm tắt

Câu 1 She feels lonely because she doesn’t know many people there. She wishes she ____ more people. A. will know B. knew C. knows D. has known Câu 2 If I ____ the flu, I would have joined you for the trip. A. hadn’t had B. haven’t had C. didn’t have D. had has Câu 3 “I’m not staying any longer.” “I wish you ____.” A. can B. will C. are D. were Câu 4 I miss my old motorbike, I wish I ____ it. I had it for years. A. I didn’t sell B. hadn’t sold C. had sold D. haven’t sold Câu 5 Jill regrets having bought that second-hand laptop. She wishes she ______. A. didn’t buy it B. hasn’t bought it C. wouldn’t have bought it D. hadn’t bought it Câu 6 I’m sorry I missed seeing my old friend at your party. I wish I ______. A. had been there B. was there C. could have been there D. should have been there Câu 7 I lost your phone number. Otherwise, I ____ you much earlier. A. will contact B. would have contacted C. would contact D. had contacted Câu 8 “I’m sorry you failed the test.” “Frankly, I wish I ____ harder.” A. could study B. had studied C. have studied D. would have studied Câu 9 “Are we lost?” “I’m afraid we are. If only we ____ a map with us.” A. brought B. would have brought C. could have brought D. had brought Câu 10 If the lecture ____ so quickly, we’d have understood his speech. A. didn’t speak B. hadn’t spoken C. wouldn’t have spoken D. shouldn’t have spoken Câu 11 If you put salt in water, it ____. A. dissolves B. would dissolve C. could dissolve D. dissolved Câu 12 ____, please paint the windows before you leave. A. If you’ll have enough time B. If you have enough time C. Unless you have enough time D. Unless you can have enough time Câu 13 Jeff wouldn’t have bumped into the waitress if he ____ in such a hurry. A. weren’t B. hasn’t been C. hadn’t been D. wouldn’t have been Câu 14 If you ____ Mary by chance, please give her my phone number. A. met B. meet C. could meet D. will meet Câu 15 My parents lent me the money. Otherwise, I ____ this shop. A. hadn’t opened B. couldn’t open C. weren’t be able to open D. wouldn’t have opened Câu 16 I think she would forgive you if you ____ to speak to her. A. are trying B. would try C. tried D. have tried Câu 17 I wouldn’t have to take this course if my English ____ better. A. were B. had been C. would be D. would have been Câu 18 If we hadn’t got lost, we ____arrived much earlier. A. had B. would be C. might be D. could have Câu 19 I wish I ____ more careful with my money in the future. A. would be B. should be C. could be D. had been Câu 20 “You speak English well.” “Yes, but I wish I ____ another foreign language well too.” A. speak B. can speak C. would speak D. could speak Câu 21 “Did you watch the football match late last night?” “ No, I didn’t, but I wish I ____.” A. were B. have had C. had D. did Câu 22 “I doubt whether I can get through the test.” “If you did as I told you, you ____”. A. can succeed B. could succeed C. had succeeded D. would have succeeded Câu 23 “I’m too tired to study.” “If you hadn’t watched that late movie last night, you _____ so tired now.” A. wouldn’t be B. hadn’t been C. wouldn’t have been D. would have been Câu 24 “Did you invest that company, Carol?” “Yes, but now I wish I ____”. A. didn’t B. hadn’t C. did D. had Câu 25 If I had known that you couldn’t eat eel, I ____ bought it. A. wouldn’t B. won’t have C. hadn’t D. wouldn’t have Câu 26 Without the life-jackets, most passengers _____ drowned in that accident. A. would have been B. would be C. had been D. were Câu 27 Hurry! We're got to leave the house immediately. Otherwise, __________ the opening ceremony. A. we'd miss B. we'd have missed C. we miss D. we're going to miss Câu 28 A nation's balance of trade is considered unfavorable if it ______________ more money on imports that it gains from exports. A. will spend B. would spend C. can spend D. spends Câu 29 Many people who live near nuclear plants are concerned. _________ go wrong, the impact on the surrounding area can be disastrous. A. Something would B. Something will C. Should something D. Does something Câu 30 Had I known the carpenter was going to take three days to show up, I ___________ the materials and done the work myself. It would be finished by now. A. will get B. might get C. would have gotten D. will have gotten Câu 31 I wish you ______________ making that noise. It's bothering me. A. would stop B. are going to stop C. stop D. can stop Câu 32 A huge tree crashed through the bedoom roof and broke my bed and most of the other furniture. __________ in the room, I would have been killed. A. Should I be B. Had I been C. Would I have been D. Would I be Câu 33 If everyone _________, how would we control air traffic? Surely, we'd all be crashing into each other. A. can fly B. will fly C. flies D.