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91. NHỮNG CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM KHÓ BÀI 5 là tài liệu môn Tiếng Anh trong chương trình Lớp 12 được cungthi.online tổng hợp và biên soạn từ các nguồn chia sẻ trên Internet. Tạo nguồn tài liệu giúp các bạn trong việc ôn luyện và học tập

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NHỮNG CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM KHÓ (Tài liệu livestream 8h tối thứ 7 ngày 27/1/2018) Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh Facebook: Mrstranganh87 LESSON 5 1. Salaries have not ______ inflation in the last few years. A. Put up with B. taken up on C. done out of D. kept up with 2. Children used to ______ their parents; now they are inclined to regard them as equals. A. Look up to B. watch out for C. stand up to D. come round to 3. If you don’t take a flu shot, you’re likely to _______ the flu. A. Keep up with B. go in for C. come down with D. put up with 4. We’re having terrible weather for our holiday. I just can’t ______ it for much longer. A. Come up with B. fed up with C. keep up with D. put up with 5. His wife is a terrible snob. She _______ almost all his friends because they have north country accents. A. Looks up to B. looks forward to C. looks out on D. looks down on 6. He lost the race because he _______ petrol on the last lap. A. Got out of B. ran out of C. made out of D. put out of 7. Could you possibly _______ me at the next committee meeting? A. Stand in for B. make up for C. fall back on D. keep in with 8. A washing machine of this type will certainly ______ normal domestic use. A. Stand up to B. come up with C. get on to D. take down in 9: Susie and Fran _____________us last night, so I had to quickly defrost a pizza. A. turned up B. dropped in on C. came across D. went through 10: The final year at the secondary school is the time for teenagers to get _______ thinking about choosing jobs. A. off with B. by in C. behind with D. down to 11: On Friday night some of our friends came to the party and _________for the weekend. A. fell behind B. waited up C. stayed on D. kept up 12: Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have________ any solution. A. come up with B. looked into C. thought over D. got round to 13: The speaker fails to get his message _____ to his audience. A. around B. in C. across D. out 14: It is very important for a film or a company to keep _________the changes in the market. A. pace of B. track about C. touch with D. up with 15: The smell of the sea__ his childhood. A. took him in B. took after C. took him back to D. took it for granted 16: Despite all the interruptions, he____ with his work. A. pressed on B. held on C. stuck at D. hung out 17: The new office block _________well with its surroundings. A. blends in B. stands out C. shapes up D. sets off 18: Nga is very modest, always _______her success. A. keeping down B. turning around C. playing down D. pushing back 19. The government’s economic policies have ______ a lot of criticism. A. come in for B. looking forward to C. looks out over D. Make up for 20. You’ll have to work very hard today to _______ the time you wasted yesterday. A. looks out over B. Make up for C. cut back on D. put up with 21. I should _______ my problems and not try to avoid them. A. put up with B. face up to C. looks up to D. take … up on 22. Do you think he’s really likely to __ his threat? A. face up to B. looks up to C. take up on D. go through with 23. It was so stuffy indoors that I had to ______ the fresh air. A. went back on B. go on at C. go out into D. go in for 24. I’m feeling nervous. I’m not ______ giving my presentation. A. come in for B. looking forward to C. looks out over D. make up for 25. The government is to ______ spending on the armed forces. A. cut back on B. put up with C. face up to D. looks up to 26. He _______ his promise to tell nobody about this. A. went back on B. look down on C. go out into D. get round to 27. I meant to do the ironing but I didn’t ______ it. A. went back on B. look down on C. go out into D. get round to 28. He robbed a bank and ________________it. A. went away with it B. got away with C. kept away with D. took away with 29. Can you _________the suppliers and chase up our order? A. get on well B. get away with C. get on to D. get round to 30. The failure can be ___________a lack of preparation. A. put up with B. put down to C. keep up with D. keep in with 31. You need to ____your rights! A. make up for B. come in for C. run in for D. stand up for 28. The house is on the top of the cliff and ______ the English Channel. A. come in for B. looking forward to C. looks out over D. make up for 29. I left the job because I couldn’t ______ my boss a moment longer. A. put up with B. face up to C. looks up to D. take … up on 30. I had big ideas until I was ______ the reality of the situation. A. look down on B. go out into C. get round to D. brought up against 31. He went _________ a bad cold just before Christmas. A. in for B. over C. through D. down with 32. He was arrested because he had _____________ the government.