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95. NHỮNG CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM KHÓ BÀI 10 là tài liệu môn Tiếng Anh trong chương trình Lớp 12 được cungthi.online tổng hợp và biên soạn từ các nguồn chia sẻ trên Internet. Tạo nguồn tài liệu giúp các bạn trong việc ôn luyện và học tập

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NHỮNG CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM KHÓ (Tài liệu livestream 9h tối thứ 7 ngày 9/3/2018) Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh Facebook: Mrstranganh87 LESSON 10 1. He is regarded as a national hero for making sacrifices for the _____________. A. motherland B. fatherland C. lordland D. farmland 2. We need to value and appreciate the importance of what can be achieved by __________and committed parents. A. love B. beloved C. loved D. loving 3. The custom of paying a bride ________before marriage is still a well-established part of many African cultures. A. value B. price C. card D. money 4. The year-end party was out of this__________. We had never tasted such delicious food. A. word B. worm C. world D. worst 5. He was attentive as Betsy and I talked about our _______concert to help the victims of the recent floods. A. donation B. volunteer C. beneficial D. charity 6. When he was told the shocking news, he tried to keep his ________on. A. coat B. shirt C. clothes D. dress 7. My father hit the ___________when he found that I'd damaged the car. A. roof B. ceiling C. nail D. both A and B are correct 8. He wants to please his grandparents and his mother by ___________with the flow. A. going B. coming C. visiting D. blending 9. Most people indulge in harmless fantasies to __________the boredom of their lives. A. reduce B. decrease C. relieve D. lessen 10. Seeing that they've already made their decision, there's nothing much we can do. A. Although B. Because C. Due to D. Thanks to 11: _________, the town does not get much of an ocean breeze. A. Locating near the coast B. Despite location near the coast C. Though located near the coast D. In spite having location near the coast 12: With its thousands of rocks and caves _________ out of the water, Ha Long Bay has won international recognition. A. being emerged B. emerged C. emerging D. emerge 13: Is that the man _________. A. whom you lent the money B. whom did you lend the money C. you lent the money D. you lent the money to 14. Shelly disagreed with the board's decision. She _________ and went to work for another company. A. dropped out B. resigned C. abandoned D. forsook 15. As an ASEAN member, Vietnam has actively participated in the groups programs and has also created new initiatives and cooperation____________. A. mechanic B. machinery C. mechanism D. mechanics 16. Archaeologists think that massive floods could have _________ the dinosaurs. A. wiped out B. laid off C. put aside D. taken down 17. I'm going on business for a week, so I'll be leaving everything _________. A. on your guards B. up to your eyes C. in your capable hands D. under the care of you 18. Mary: “ What is your favourite_______?” Peter: “ Soup, thanks!” A. start B. starter C. starting D. started 19. - Peter: "My parents gave me no choice but to study business." - Danny: “_______.” A. Well, so be it B. Of course not C. Oh, by all means D. No, I can’t get it 20. In the future, _________ engineering will allow us to create the perfect human. A. genetic B. gene C. energetic D. ener 21. Parents will order a baby who 'will grow up to become his new job because he is not quite prepared a __________or to have a Miss World appearance. A. idiot B. genius C. genus D. gene 22. As computers have advanced, they have helped us remember, calculate, organize, and_____. A. clear B. clarity C. clarify D. clarificant 23. At a point in a future time, some may ____ that computers become about as smart as Newton or Einstein. A. announce B. declare C. say D. claim 24. More advanced computers will be able to be creative, respond to feelings in a feeling way, develop intuition, recognize patterns, and suggest _______alternatives. A. innovate B. innovation C. innovative D. innovator 25. We can select Internet information wisely, choose healthy computer games, limit our _______to television commercials, and select television programs carefully. A. limitation B. terrorism C. variety D. exposure 26. Most people will be aware that a happy, loving family is a joy to be part of, and that it is a necessary ___________ for building a strong society. A. find B. foundation C. founded D. finding 27. We need to ____and appreciate the importance of what can be achieved by loving and committed parents. A. valuable B. value C. invaluable D. valued 28. People need a strong foundation, so it is vital for our society that we encourage parents to work at creating love, joy, and happiness for their children in a .decent, stable, and _______atmosphere. A. product B. productive C. production D. productivity 29. When you have an upset stomach, you will _____ a very small cherry tasting robot which will travel through your stomach taking video of the mess. A. swallow B. chew C. vomit D. drink