Đề thi HSG môn Tiếng anh lớp 12 THPT Hàn Thuyên Bắc Ninh Năm học 2014 2015 File word có đáp án

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Đề thi HSG môn Tiếng anh lớp 12 THPT Hàn Thuyên Bắc Ninh Năm học 2014 2015 File word có đáp án là tài liệu môn Tiếng Anh trong chương trình Lớp 12 được cungthi.vn tổng hợp và biên soạn. Tạo nguồn tài liệu giúp các bạn trong việc ôn tập

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SỞ GD&ĐT BẮC NINH TRƯỜNG THPT HÀN THUYÊN ĐỀ KIỂM TRA HSG CẤP TRƯỜNG LẦN 2 NĂM HỌC 2014-2015 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH - LỚP 12Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề) ============== Điểm bài kiểm tra Giám khảo 1 Giám khảo 2 Số phách Bằng số: Họ tên: Họ tên Bằng chữ: Chữ ký: Chữ ký: * Ghi chú: Thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào đề thi. PART I: PHONETICS (1 point) I: Find a word in each line whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other three by circling A, B, C or D. (0.5 p) 1. A. Vintage B. massage C. Luggage D. Passage 2. A. Considerate B. Candidate C. Associate D. Adequate 3. A. Chronicle B. Chorus C. Orchard D. Orchid 4. A. Foul B. Frown C. Sprout D. Dough 5. A. Houses B. Faces C. Horses D. Sources II: Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each question by circling A, B, C or D. (0.5 p) 6. A. Majority B. Ceremony C. Photography D. Astronomy 7. A. Telegraph B. Telegraphy C. Diplomat D. Competent 8. A. Particular B. Carefully C. Muscular D. Applicant 9. A. Imaginary B. Popularity C. Investigate D. Magnetic 10. A. Guarantee B. Circumstance C. Discipline D. Eloquence PART II: LEXICO - GRAMMAR (7 points) Part 1: Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Circle the letter A, B, C or D next to the correct word or phrase. (1 point) 1. Not only was there no tea, ………………….there was no food either. A. and B. nor C. but D. so 2. The restaurant is popular with film stars and the ………………….. A. like B. same C. similar D. such 3. It’s much more expensive if you use the phone at………………….rate. A. high B. busy C. peak D. heavy 4. Politicians often promise to solve all problems……………………. A. thick and fast B. on the whole C. of set purpose D. at a stroke 5. Karen was terribly nervous before the interview, but she managed to pull herself……………and act confidently. A. through B. over C. together D. off 6. …………to the invention of the steam engine, most forms of transport were horse-drawn. A. Akin B. Prior C. In addition D. With reference 7. The truant was………………………from school for unbecoming behavior. A. dispelled B. repelled C. expelled D. compelled 8. ………………it or not, I’ve just been given a totally unexpected pay rise. A. Believe B. Accept C. Presume D. Allow 9. During the war, the black market in luxury goods …………………………………. A. flourished B. flowered C. bloomed D. blossomed 10. It’s expected that all members will……………………to the rules of the club. A. comply B. concede C. conform D. compromise 11. I’m afraid I’m rather……………….about the existence of ghosts. A. skeptical B. partial C. adaptable D. incapable 12. Nothing was arranged, it was all very …………………. A. taken away B. worn out C. slapdash D. slap up 13. He gambled ……………………………his life’s savings before starting on his wife’s. A. across B. around C. out D. away 14. Employees who have a ………………… are encouraged to discuss it with the management. A. hindrance B. grievance C. disadvantage D. disturbance 15. Global warming has progressed ………………….glaciers everywhere are shrinking. A. too much that B. enough to cause C. to such an extent that D. so great an extent that 16. Mr. Average was just a run-of-the-………………….worker. A. road B. Mill C. week D. wheel 17. The police …………………..a good deal of criticism over the handling of the demonstration. A. came in for B. brought about C. opened up D. went down with 18. They can’t ……………………on the name for the baby A. conclude B. consent C. assent D. decide 19. It’s a shame they didn’t pick you, but it doesn’t .................. out the possibility that you might get a job in a different department. A. rule B. strike C. cancel D. draw 20. Jane wasn't in when I arrived. I suppose she _______ I was coming. A. must have forgotten B. must forget C. may forget D. can't have forgotten Part 2: Complete the sentences with suitable preposition. (1 point) 1. We were lucky that the floodwater didn’t get…………………………..the second floor. 2. These steps have ice on them, so hang…………………………to my arm. 3. It’s important to start your day……………….with a good breakfast. 4. Ann cut her hair in the bathroom, and she clogged the sink…………….with hair. 5. Don’t let the baby get……………….the table- he might fall off. 6. Throwing……………………all that junk in the garage made a lot more soon 7. As Jerry was getting……………..the train, he realized that he had forgotten his ticket. 8. The trail to the top of the mountain starts………………level, but then it gets steeper and steeper 9. That stock I bought really paid…………….. It went up nearly 100 percent in only three months. 10. After the new manager takes………………….next month, you can expect a lot of changes. 11. Will you keep your voices……………….., please? I’m on th