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Nhung cau hoi trac nghiem tieng anh 11 hay 970 cau hoi trac nghiem tieng anh hay là tài liệu môn Tiếng Anh trong chương trình Lớp 11 được cungthi.online tổng hợp và biên soạn từ các nguồn chia sẻ trên Internet. Tạo nguồn tài liệu giúp các bạn trong việc ôn luyện và học tập

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Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.edu.vn I. Điền vào chỗ trống với những từ cho sẵn 1.Is Susan on home? a.in b.at c.on d.under 2.“Do the children go to school every day?”. “………….” a.Yes, they go. b.Yes, they do. c.They go. d.No,they don’t go. 3.what …….now? a.is the time b.does the time c.is time d.is it 4.They always go to school …… bicycle. a.with b.in c.on d.by 5.What color …… his new car? a.have b.is c.does d.are 6.Are there many students in Room 12? -“……………………….” a.Yes there are b.Yes, they are c.Some are. d.No they aren’t 7.You should do your …… before going to class. a.home work b.homework c.homeworks d.housework 8.Mr.Pike ….. us English. a.teach b.teaches c.teaching d.to teach 9.Tom and ….. are going to the birthday party together. a.I b.me c.my d.mine 10.Our English lessons are …. Long. a.many b.much c.a lot of d.very 11.Bangkok is …. Capital of Thailand. a.a b.one c.the d.an 12.Are you free …… Saturday? a.on b.at c.in d.into 13.There are ….. girls in our class. a.no b.not c.none d.none of 14.Let ….. go for a walk. a.we b.us c.you d.our 15.What is your name? -…….name is Linda. a.Your b.His c.My d.Her 16.What’s …….name? a.his Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.edu.vn b.her c.your d.my 17.I’m a pupil. -I’m a ……,too. a.teacher b.pupil c.student d.doctor 18. Is this your pencil?No,it isn’t.It is …..pencil. a.his b.my c.your d.hers 19.Are these your coats? Yes they are….. a.their coats b.ours c.our coats d.yours 20.Are your free …. Friday evening? a.in b.at c.on d.from 21.There are six pencils ….the box. a.in b.at c.on d.into 22.Where is your mother? She’s ….the kitchen. a.in b.on c.into d.at 23.How many pictures are there …. the wall? A.in b.on c.into d.at 24.Are you ….. vietnam? -Yes, I am. a.to b.on c.into d.from 25.I’m cleaning the floor. Can your help …..? a.I b.me c.my d.mine 26.What are you doing? -….are planting some trees. a.we b.us c.our d.ours 27.Mary is doing her homework and …..brother is helping her. a.she b.hers c.her d.she’s 28.Jane’s books are on the floor.Please, put ……on the table. a.they b.them c.their d.theirs 29.Please put this pencil in the box. -I’m putting …..in the box. a.it b.its c.them d.they 30.When’s ……birthday? a.his b.he c.him d.he’s 31.Whose bicycle is it?It’s…….. a.he b.her c.hers d.she 32.How old is …..? a.she b.her Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.edu.vn c.hers d.his 33.There are …..eggs on the table. a.some b.any c.many d.much 34.Is there ……..cheese on the table? a.some b.any c.many d.much 35.How …..cakes does she want? a.some b.any c.many d.much 36.Peter doesn’t want …. eggs, but he wants some soup. a.some b.any c.many d.much 37.There is …..milk in the glass. a.some b.any c.many d.much 38.How …..meat do you want? a.some b.any c.many d.much 39.There isn’t ……coffee in the cup. a.some b.any c.many d.much 40.They want ….coffee, but they don’t want any bread. a.some b.any c.many d.much 41.Is this your pencil?No, it isn’t.It’s …….pencil. a.my b.her c.our d.hers 42………parents are workers. a.We b.They c.Our d.I 43.This is my new shirt. -Oh, ………color is pretty. a.it b.its c.their d.they 44.He is …….engineer. a.an b.a c.the d.no article 45.Your sister is a student and his sister is a student, a.both b.also c.and d.too 46.My brother is 6,68m ……………. a.short b.tall c.taller d.shorter 47.My mother is 32 and father is 43.My mother is younger ……my father. a.than b.as c.but d.and 48.I am …….teacher. a.the b.a c.an d.no article 49.My uncle is ……good engineer. a.the b.a c.an Gia sư Thành Được www.daythem.edu.vn d.no article 50.That is …..eraser. a.the b.a c.an d.no article 51.We are both …..doctor. a.the b.a c.an d.no article 52.This is ……ink pot. a.the b.a c.an d.no article 53.They are ….tall. a.the b.a c.an d.no article 54.Hoa is ….good pupil. a.the b.a c.an d.no article 55.That is a bag.It is on ….table. a.the b.a c.an d.no article 56.We are in ….same class. a.the b.a c.an d.no article 57.Your book is …..the desk. a.at b.over c.on d.in 58.My pens and pencils are ……the table. a.at b.over c.on d.between 59.My family’s picture is ……the wall. a.at b.over c.on d.opposite 60.Lan and Lien are …..the desk. a.at b.in c.on d.into 61.No ink is ….the pot. a.at b.in c.on d.over 62.We are …..work a.at b.in c.on d.over 63.The cat is …..the dog and the mouse. a.at b.over c.between d.in 64.His house is ……the park. a.at b.over c.between d.opposite 65.Tom is not my teacher but he is a friend of….. a.me b.my c.I d.mine 66.Is that ruler yours or…….? -It’s …..not mine. a.mine/your b.mine/yours c.my/your d.yours/mine 67.Who is that?It’s …..sister. -……….name is Anne. a.Mary’s/Her b.Mary/Her