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28. 350 CÂU BÀI TẬP VỀ CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ TIẾNG ANH là tài liệu môn Tiếng Anh trong chương trình Lớp 12 được cungthi.online tổng hợp và biên soạn từ các nguồn chia sẻ trên Internet. Tạo nguồn tài liệu giúp các bạn trong việc ôn luyện và học tập

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350 CÂU LUYỆN TẬP VỀ CỤM ĐỘNG TỪ TIẾNG ANH Collected by Mrs Trang Anh Facebook: Mrstranganh87 Exercises: I. Complete the following sentences with phrasal verbs from the list. Use the correct tense or structure: carry out, cut down, get on, hold up, dip into, make up, bring out, break out, cut off, get over, put out, work out, let down, turn out, lead to. 1. Now, don’t ______ us ______. We’re counting on you to cook something really special for the party this Saturday. 2. Over eating and lack of exercise can _____ _____ serious health problems in later life. 3. Giving up my job to go and live aboard _____ _____ to be the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. 4. He _____ _____ some story about catching the wrong train to explain his lateness. 5. If you want to lose weight, you should _____ _____ on amount of dairy products you eat. 6. Modern computers are capable of ______ ______ the most complex operations in micro-seconds. 7. It’s no the sort of book you’d want to read from cover but it’s quite interesting to _____ _____ now and then. 8. The start of the concert was _____ _____ by the late arrival of the group. 9. The gas supply was _____ _____ for about four hours as they had to repair some leaking pipes. 10. Toby’s _____ _____ really well at his new job. He’s already been promoted twice. 11. Quick action by the police prevented fighting from _____ _____ between rival groups of fans after the football match. 12. I hear FIAT have _____ _____ a new model but I haven’t seen it yet. 13. She _____ _____ the problem of lack of time by hiring a house-cleaner. 14. Herbie asked them to _____ _____ their cigarettes as he is allergic to smoke. 15. It is said that Isaac Newton _____ _____ the law of gravity after he’d been hit on the head by an apple! Key: 1. Let…down 5. cut down 9. cut off 13. got over 2. lead to 6. carrying out 10. getting on 14. put out 3. Turned out 7. dip into 11. breaking out 15. worked out 4. Made up 8. held up 12. brought out II. Put in these forms: brought up against, face up to, get round to, go out into, look forward to, looks out over, went back on, put up with, take up on, looks up to, cut back on, come in for, make up for, go through with, look down on. 1. The government’s economic policies have ______ a lot of criticism. 2. You’ll have to work very hard today to _______ the time you wasted yesterday. 3. I should _______ my problems and not try to avoid them. 4. Do you think he’s really likely to ______ his threat? 5. It was so stuffy indoors that I had to ______ the fresh air. 6. I’m feeling nervous. I’m not ______ giving my presentation. 7. The government is to ______ spending on the armed forces. 8. He really ______ his older brother. 9. He _______ his promise to tell nobody about this. 10. I meant to do the ironing but I didn’t ______ it. 11. The house is on the top of the cliff and ______ the English Channel. 12. I left the job because I couldn’t ______ my boss a moment longer. 13. Actually, can I ______ you _____ your offer of a bed for the night? 14. Small boys often ______ little girls and refuse to play with them. 15. I had big ideas until I was ______ the reality of the situation. Key: 1.come in for 6. looking forward to 11. looks out over 2. Make up for 7. cut back on 12. put up with 3. Face up to 8. looks up to 13. take … up on 4. Go through with 9. went back on 14. look down on 5. Go out into 10. get round to 15. brought up against III. workout the meaning of these phrasal verbs and put them in the right sentences: let in , get off, throw away, stay in, come back, cross out, pay back, get on , turn up, fall over, take back, go off, lie down, go away , put off 1. I didn’t have a key, but luckily someone was there to _____ me _____. 2. Can’t we go out somewhere? I don’t want to ______ all evening. 3. Could you lend me ten pounds? I’ll ____ you ____ on Friday. 4. The sidewalk is very icy. Be careful you don’t ______ . 5. I was feeling so tired I had to ______ on the bed for a while. 6. I saw Martin ______ the bus and go straight home. 7. Mark’s gone out, and I don’t know when he is going to ______ . 8. The driver unlocked the coach so that the passengers were able to ______ . 9. I’ll have to ______ these books ______ to the library. 10. Your brother was being a nuisance, so I told him to ______ . 11. Don’t ______ that box. We can use it again. 12. If you make a mistake on the form, just _____ it ______ . 13. I can’t hear the radio. Could you ______ it ______ a little? 14. I was late for school this morning because my alarm clock didn’t ______ . 15. Never _____ until tomorrow what you can do today. Key: 1.let …in 6. get off 11. throw away 2. Stay in 7. come back 12. cross…out 3. Pay …back 8. get on 13. turn …up 4. Fall over 9. take back 14. go off 5. Lie down 10. go away 15. put off IV. Complete each sentence using a phrasal verb that means the same as the words in brackets.