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36. 1500 CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM LUYỆN THI THPTQG LESSON 2 KEYS là tài liệu môn Tiếng Anh trong chương trình Lớp 12 được cungthi.online tổng hợp và biên soạn từ các nguồn chia sẻ trên Internet. Tạo nguồn tài liệu giúp các bạn trong việc ôn luyện và học tập

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1500 CÂU TRẮC NGHIREMJ TỪ VỰNG LESSON 2(KEYS) Collected by Mrs Trang Anh Facebook: Mrstranganh87 1. You have to be rich to send your child to a private school because the fees are….. A. astronomical B. aeronautical C. astrological D. atmospherical 2. Does that newspaper …………..the government or oppose it? A. advantage B. assist C. encourage D. support 3. The electorate will not easily forgive the government for failing to fulfil its…. A. promises B. vows C. aspiration D. offers 4. Doctors advise people being deficient……..Vitamin C to eat more fruit and vegetables. A. in B. of C. from D. for 5. In a four-hour operation, surgeons managed to sew the girl’s………hand back on. A. cut B. grazed C. crushed D. severed 6. There were many big trees between me and the river and now they all fell down….into the water. A. each other B. one after another C. one another D. a lot 7. ……recent times, the discipline of biology has expanded rapidly into a variety of subdisciplines. A. It is since B. when C. since it is D. In 8. The incidence of anorexia nervosa,…………., is growing in industrially advanced societies. A. is an eating disorder C. an eating disorder which B. an eating disorder D. for which an eating disorder 9. ………., a brick fell on his head. A. Turning the corner C. Having turned the corner B. When he turned the corner D. Being turned the corner 10. A main clause is sometimes called a ……..clause. A. principle B. principal C. principality D. principles 11. He’s a …….and so he always votes for the Labour Party. A. conservative B. liberal C. socialist D. socialism 12. It is impossible for them to enter the country…….. A. on present B. in time C. at present D. on time 13. I don’t like pop music. My sister doesn’t like it…… A. neither B. either C. too D. so 14. Police had to break the meeting…… A. out B. in C. off D. up 15. Einstein gradually became…….in the discussion. A. absorb B. absorbed C. to absorb D. absorbing 16. No educational system is perfect. Each one has its…….. A. borders B. limitations C. frontiers D. limits 17. Galileo was………..for his study of how things fall. A. famous B. notorious C. generous D. industrious 18. People used to think that heavy things always……..faster than light ones. A. fall B. collapse C. destroyed D. fell. 19. The pipe in the sink is stopped up. Water is……….. A. overfilming B. overfilling C. overdueing D. overflowing 20. When I applied for my passport to be renewed. I had to send a…..photograph. A. fresh B. fashionable C. late D. recent 21. we intend to ………..with the old system as soon as we have developed a better one. A. do up B. do away C. do down D. do in 22. when she heard the news, she………into tears. A. broke B. went C. exploded D. felt 23. Nam Cao devoted most of his life……….. A. to having written B. to write C. to writing D. to have written 24. Last night, I went to the movies and saw the most beautiful love story. I guess I have a ……for romantic movies. A. sickness B. illness C. weakness D. feebleness 25. I really had to………some strings to get reservations at this restaurant. A. push B. pull C. throw D. get 26. overexposure to the sun can produce……..some toxic chemicals. A. more than damage to the skin C. more damage than to the skin B. damage more than to the skin D. more damage to the skin than 27. I wish I …….longer A. will stay B. can stay C. could stay D. stay 28. Each athletes has to take part in the Olympic Games in the true spirit of….. A. sportsman B. sportmanlike C. sportsmanship D. sports 29. “Do you like your new job?” “ Yes, but my employer insists that I …….on time” A. was B. am C. be D. have been 30. she often uses her goods as……as she can A. economic B. economically C. economical D. economicly 31. Electricity and gas supplies have been seriously………by the floods. A. alerted B. disrupted C. destroyed D. erupted 32. The old fishing village is very…….. A. picture B. picturesquely C. picturesque D. picturedrome 33. Please find a(an) ……copy of the letter I received from the college. A. included B. contained C. enclosed D. covered 34. She’s alive! She……….but that handsome young man dived and saved her just in time. A. is drowning B. had been drowning C. being drowning D. was drowning 35. There were 6000 visitors in all. That was the…… A. all B. result C. whole D. total 36. It is very ……….of you A. familiar B. considerate C. popular D. attractive 37. Columbus gazed at the land that he….so far to seek. A. had come B. had been coming C. has come D. has been coming 38. These figures show a………in the number of unemployed people in England and Wales A. loss B. lessening C. reduction D. lowering 39. He spent all his money through……… A. thrifty B. shame C. husbandry D. extravagance 40. It’s time you…….your way of living. A. meditated B. surrendered C. reflected D. amended