50 bài tập Luyện tập ĐẠI TỪ Môn Tiếng Anh Năm học 2017 2018 Phần 3 File word có lời giải chi tiết

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50 bài tập Luyện tập ĐẠI TỪ Môn Tiếng Anh Năm học 2017 2018 Phần 3 File word có lời giải chi tiết là tài liệu môn Tiếng Anh trong chương trình Lớp 12 được cungthi.vn tổng hợp và biên soạn. Tạo nguồn tài liệu giúp các bạn trong việc ôn tập

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Đại từ phần 3 Choose the best answer to complete each sentence Question 1: Those coats are_______ A. them B. their C. theirs D. they Question 2: John and his friend gave many books to_______ A. each other B. others C. one another D. one another Question 3: His friends are rich, but_______ are poor. A. me B. friends of mine C. mine D. my Question 4: It is_______ who says that you do not love her. A. she B. her C. hers D. herself Question 5: They send some books to my sister and _______ A. I B. me C. myself D. mine Question 6: My father said_______ would invite our teacher to dinner on Saturday. A. of we B. so we C. we D. that if we Question 7: _______ of the students in my class could solve the problem yesterday. A. none B. none C. either D. not much Question 8: Pick out the correct sentence. A. They fight each other B. They flight themselves C. They fight one another D. a and c are correct Question 9: You said you were going to introduce a friend of_______ who wanted to buy a new house. A. you B. yours C. yourself D. your father Question 10: John couldn't find_______ one who knew English. A. no B. any C. none D. some Question 11: One of _______has to take the responsibility for setting up the experiment. A. us B. him C. their D. your Question 12: We have already filled in ______application forms but Mary is still trying to complete______. A. my - her B. our - hers C. her - your D. ours - his Question 13: You can take ____of these two elective courses; they are ____ very interesting. A. both - either B. both - all C. either - both D. neither - all Question 14: Could you lend me______ more? I've spent_______ money you gave me yesterday. A. any - some B. some - the C. the - the D. some-0 Question 15: There have been ______innovative policies to combat traffic congestion, and as a result, traffic continues to be a major problem. A. another B. few C. most of D. a little Question 16: If you want the job done well, you had better do______ ______. . A. yourself - its own B. them - your own C. it - yourself D. your own - itself Question 17: The group monitoring the election estimated that about ten percent of the ballots were not counted for ______reason or______. A. that - these B. whether - that. C. some --any D. one - another Question 18: ______ who was arrested during the riots was released since it couldn't be proved that they had done ______ against the law. A. Somebody - anywhere B. Everyone – anything C. Anyone – nothing D. Some of - something Question 19: I can't possibly allow ______ of you to enter the house with your shoes covered with ______ mud. A. many - those B. none - too much C. any - so much D. some - another Question 20: You may not be impressed with ______ ideas, but are ______ any better? A. mine - yourself B. my own - your C. us - hers D. my - your own Question 21: She found ______ without any friends after alienating ______ all with her unpleasant behavior. A. him - theirs B. herself - them C. them - herself D. her own - him Question 22: Don't worry. After ______ rest she'll be all right. A. a little B. hardly any C. just little D. the little Question 23: ______ who knows______ about literature takes •Jeffrey Archer seriously as a novelist. A. Somebody - anyone B. No one - anything C. Nowhere - everything D. Everyone - someone Question 24: ______university in the country would like to have such ______ well-known academic on its staff. A. AlI- the B. Each - some C. Most - 0 D. Every - a Question 25: I spent the ______ day at the library trying to find the articles I needed for my research. A. most B. whole C. all D. every Question 26: Take______ things or you'll regret it; don't take ______ jewellery either. A. a few - many B. little - much C. few - much D. a little - many Question 27: Couldn't you have answered ______ more questions on the exam? You have hardly answered ______ . A. a lot of - some B. a lot of - some C. so many - a little D. too much - one Question 28: I was prepared to have to give my speech in an almost empty hall so it was something of a surprise to see that quite______ students did in fact attend. A. a few B. few C. some D. many Question 29: There will be______ film festival in which ______ of the films come from Middle Eastern countries. A. 0 - most B. some - each C. a - all D. the - every Question 30: Not ______ can be done to help her if she herself doesn't put in quite______effort to put her own life in order. A. enough - many B. so much – any C. many - a great deal of D. much - a lot of Question 31: I'm not lazy but I think we have ______public holidays. We ought to have more. A. too little B. rather a few C. fairly little D. too few Question 32: The doctor told me I had to eat ______ sweets and drink______wine if I wanted to lose______ kilos. A. less - fewer - a few B. fewer - less - a few C. a few - a little - more D. fewer - less - a little Question 33: He was an extremely entertaining speaker, so we all enjoyed______