50 bài tập Luyện tập THÌ CỦA ĐỘNG TỪ Môn Tiếng Anh Năm học 2017 2018 Phần 4 File word có lời giải chi tiết

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50 bài tập Luyện tập THÌ CỦA ĐỘNG TỪ Môn Tiếng Anh Năm học 2017 2018 Phần 4 File word có lời giải chi tiết là tài liệu môn Tiếng Anh trong chương trình Lớp 12 được cungthi.vn tổng hợp và biên soạn. Tạo nguồn tài liệu giúp các bạn trong việc ôn tập

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Nội dung tóm tắt

Thì của động từ phần 4 Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Question 1: Eight years ago we started writing to each other. A. We have rarely written to each other for eight years. B. Eight years is a long time for us to write to each other. C. We wrote to each other eight years ago. D. We have been writing to each other for eight years. Question 2: My father is tired of seeing any violent films. A. My father hasn't seen a violent film. B. My father has enjoyed all the violent films he has ever seen. C. My father is worried about missing the next violent film. D. My father never wants to see another violent film. Question 3: As soon as he waved his hand, she turned away. A. He saw her turn away and he waved his hand. B. No sooner had he waved his hand than she turned away. C. She turned away because he waved his hand too early. D. Although she turned away, he waved his hand. Question 4: My father hasn't smoked cigarettes for a month. A. It's a month since my father last smoked cigarettes. B. It's a month ago that my father smoked cigarettes. C. It's a month that my father hasn't smoked cigarettes. D. It's a cigarette that my father smoked a month ago. Question 5: Having finished their work, the workers expected to be paid. A. The workers expected to be paid because they had finished their work B. Having their work finished, the workers expected to be paid. C. Having expected to be paid, the workers finished their work. D. Having been finished their work, the workers expected to be paid. Question 6: Mr. Brown bought this car five years ago. A. Mr. Brown started to buy this car five years ago. B. It has been five years when Mr. Brown bought this car C. Mr. Brown has had this car for five years. D. It is five years ago since Mr. Brown bought this car. Question 7: I haven't enjoyed myself so much for years. A. It's years since I enjoyed myself so much. B. It's years since I have enjoyed myself so much. C. It was years since I had enjoyed myself so much. D. It has been years since I have enjoyed myself so much. Question 8: Have you heard the good news?....................... A. Carol in March had a baby. B. In March, Carol had a baby. C. Carol had in March a baby. D. In March, had Carol a baby. Question 9: This is my tenth year working in this bank. A. By the end of this year, I will work in this bank for ten years. B. I have worked in this bank for ten years by the end of this year. C. By the end of this year, I will have worked in this bank for ten years. D. I had been working in this bank for ten years by the end of this year. Question 10: The famous actor was last seen in 2000. A. The famous actor has not been able to see since 2000. B. No one has seen the famous actor since 2000. C. The famous actor didn't see anyone in 2000. D. No one saw the famous actor until 2000. Question 11: I came to live here three months ago. A. It was three months since I lived here. B. I've been living here for three months. C. I lived here for three months. D. I didn't live here for three months. Question 12: She is sitting in a hotel room. Through the window, she sees a fat man. A. She looks through the window and sees the fat man. B. She and the fat man are in a hotel room. C. The fit man wants to open the window and come in. D. The fat man is looking in through the window. Question 13: She goes to the shops every Friday. A. She goes every day to the shop but not on Friday. B. It's not Friday, but she's going to the shops. C. She always goes to the shops on Friday. D. She never goes to the shops on Friday. Question 14: We started working here three years ago. A. We worked here for three years. B. We have no longer worked here for three years. C. We have worked here for three years. D. We will work here in three years. Question 15: It's a long time since we last went to the cinema. A. We have been to the cinema for a long time. B. We haven't been to the cinema for a long time. C. We don't go to the cinema as we used to. D. We wish we went to the cinema now. Question 16: I haven't finished this book yet. A. I'm still reading this book. B. I have read this book before. C. The book I'm reading hasn't finished. D. I will read this book some day. Question 17: He used to jog every morning. A. He enjoys jogging every morning. B. He never fails to jog every morning. C. He doesn't now jog every morning. D. He intended to jog every morning. Question 18: He last had his eyes tested ten months ago. A. He hasn't had his eyes tested for ten months. B. He had not tested his eyes for ten months then. C. He had not tested his eyes for ten months then. D. He didn't have any test on his eyes in ten months. Question 19: Someone knocked on the door during my lunchtime. A. I had lunch when someone knocked on the door. B. When I had had lunch, someone knocked on the door. C. I was having lunch when someone was knocking on the do