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70. COLLOCATIONS ĐỀ là tài liệu môn Tiếng Anh trong chương trình Lớp 12 được cungthi.online tổng hợp và biên soạn từ các nguồn chia sẻ trên Internet. Tạo nguồn tài liệu giúp các bạn trong việc ôn luyện và học tập

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COLLOCATIONS (Tài liệu của khóa vượt qua chuyên đề mục tiêu 9+ của Cô Trang Anh trên dodaihoc.com) Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh Facebook: Mrstranganh87 1. He kindly offered to _ me the way to the station. A. explain B. direct C. describe D. show 2. It was such a boring speech that I fell . A. asleep B. sleep C. sleepy D. sleepily 3. English is now an effective medium of international . A. communication B. talking C. speech D. saying 4. I wonder if you could me a small favor, Tom? A. bring B. make C. give D. do 5. Students can a lot of information just by taking an active part in class. A. concern B. install C. appear D. memorize 6. It was raining so that we couldn‟t go out. A. heavily B. silly C. strongly D. lazily 7. Oh, I stayed at home and my homework. Nothing special. A. give B. do C. earn D. go 8. Although Lan is a cold, she is going to partake in outdoor activities. A. learning B. going C. making D. catching 9. The villagers had to work hard in fields all day and could hardly ends meet. A. do B. know C. make D. fly 10. You've been very _ and I would like to thank you. A. kind B. thoughtless C. grateful D. appreciative 11. You're completely _! You never think about anybody but yourself. A.mean B. selfish C. tight-fisted D. greedy 12. “How was your exam?” “A couple of questions were tricky, but on the it was pretty easy.” A.spot B. general C. hand D. whole 13. The footballers often sing the national at the beginning of a match. A. version B. lyrics C. anthem D. composition 14. The 22nd South East Asian Games were the first big sports event Vietnam . A. owned B. hosted C. presented D. led 15.Commercial exploration has driven many species to the of extinction. A. verge B. bank C. limit D. edge 16. “What‟s Peter‟s cousin‟s name?” “It‟s on the tip of my , but I can‟t quite remember” A. mouth B. lips C. tongue D. memory 17. I decided to visit a fortune- teller. That‟s what I to do. A. made up B. made up my mind C. minded D. care 18. Don‟t have much cash_ , but I can get some from an automatic teller machine. A. in hand B. on hand C. into hand D. under hand 19. You can‟t get a soda from that machine. There‟s a sign on it says that “ ”. A. Out of job B. Out of hand C. Out of order D. Out of mind 20. Everything could be done by . A. a nod and bow B. a nod and wink C. a wink and a nod D. a nod and a wink 21. The biggest company in our local area is _ the verge of bankruptcy A. in B. on C. at D. to 22. Books are a wonderful of knowledge. A. source B. resource C. flow D. provision 21. The shop assistant is ready to__ me a helping hand. She was very nice. A. offer B. take C. get D. lend 22. Janet has to travel a lot in her new job. She is on the all the time. A. field B. mood C. way D. go 23. If you practice regularly, you can learn the language skill in short of a time. A. period B. aspect C. arrangement D. activity 24. If you too much on study, you will get tired and stressed. A. concentrate B. develop C. organize D. complain 25. Overpopulation tends to create conditions which may result in of food in developing countries A. supplies B. surpluses C. shortages D. failures 26. You should read this novel. It has been recommended by all the critics. A. deeply B. fully C. highly D. truly 27. Our class team has won four football matches. A. successful B. unsuccessful C. success D. successive 28. It was a mistake. I wasn't trying to cheat you. A. genuine B. sincere C. truthful D. frank 29. Don‟t to conclusions; we don‟t yet know all the relevant facts. A. hurry B. jump C. rush D. run 30. Scientists warn that many of the world‟s great cities are flooding. A. being B. at risk C. in danger ofD. endangered 31. The Women‟s World Cup is in popularity. A. competing B. establishing C. advancing D. growing 32. I prefer ____ jobs because I don‟t like keep on moving and changing all the time. A. demanding B. challenging C. tough D. secure 33. In China, there are still a lot of families sharing the same house. A. extent B. extension C. extended D. extensive 34. The deadline is coming, and we still have a lot of problems. A. unsolving B. unsolved C. insolved D. solving 35. He received a medal in to his bravery. A. turns B. response C. favor D. reward 36. He left the country _ arrest of he returned. A. in fear that B. with fear of C. under threat of D. with threat of 37. Before choosing a job, you should take into consideration several including the supply and demand for professionals in any particular field. A. turns B. factors C. remarks D. sides 38. The Business Advisory Council has been specially designed for those in of advice about setting up new businesses. A. absence B. duty C. want D. need 39. “Please, will you just tidy your room, and stop excuse! A. Having B. making C. doing D. taking