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90. NHỮNG CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM KHÓ BÀI 3 là tài liệu môn Tiếng Anh trong chương trình Lớp 12 được cungthi.online tổng hợp và biên soạn từ các nguồn chia sẻ trên Internet. Tạo nguồn tài liệu giúp các bạn trong việc ôn luyện và học tập

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NHỮNG CÂU TRẮC NGHIỆM KHÓ (Tài liệu livestream 8h tối thứ 7 ngày 13/1/2018) Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh Facebook: Mrstranganh87 LESSON 3 1. The surrealistic movement in art in the 1920s and 1930s placed ______ is pictured in the unconscious and often incorporated dreamlike images. A. to emphasize it B. an emphasis on what C. an emphasis on it D. emphasize what 2. “Frankly, Ms. Adamson works ______ that her figures never need ______,” said the General Manager. A. such efficiently that / to check B. so efficient that / checking C. such an efficient that / to be checked D. so efficiently that / to be checked 3. It is highly recommended that language learners in general and English learners ______ should learn the language in the native community so as to master it. A. in particular B. on the whole C. in short D. on the other hand 4. Waiter: “How would you like your steak, sir? Man: “______” A. Not too bad B. Very good C. Rare, please D. Yes, of course I like it 5: I feel terrible, I didn’t sleep __________ last night. A. a jot B. a wink C. an inch D. an eye 6: I’m going to make all efforts to win a gold medal in ___________ for your help and concern. A. return B. mind C. allowances D. memory 7: The manager charged her ___________ irresponsibility and dishonesty. A. for B. on C. about D. with 8: __________ stay the night if it’s too difficult to get home. A. By all means B. In all C. At all costs D. On the whole 9: He bought three shirts; one for him and ____________ for his children. A. others B. the other C. another D. the others 10: Let me please _______ my memory before I get down to answering the questions. A. resume B. ease C. awake D. refresh 11: Have you seen today’s paper? It _______ they’ve caught those million-pound bank robbers. A. writes B. says C. tells D. talks about 12: ___ wooden buildings helps to protect them from damage due to weather. A. The paint B. Painted C. By painting D. Painting 13: Poor management brought the company to ____ of collapse. A. the edge B. the foot C. the ring D. the brink 14: All applicants must ________ their university transcript and two reference letters to be considered for this job. A. permit B. omit C. submit D. admit 15. You must be careful when you wash this__________ silk blouse. A. delicate B. weak C. feeble D. sensitive 16.The independent arbitrator managed to_________ the confrontation between the union and the employers. A. refuse B. confuse C. refute D. defuse 17. The new beverage company offers a wide _____ of flavours in their drinks. A. list B. menu C. rank D. choice 18: There should be an international law against ______. A. afforestation B. deforestation C. forestry D. reforestation 19: Don’t worry! I have _____ tire at the back of my car. A. another B. other C. others D. the other 20: We couldn’t fly _____ because all the tickets had been sold out. A. economical B. economy C. economic D. economics 21: -“How do you like your steak done?” -“________.” A. I don’t like it much B. Very little C. Well done D. Very much 22. She must ________ in the garage when we came that’s why she didn’t hear the bell. A. have been working B. be working C. have worked D. work 23: Marine reptiles are among the few creatures that are known to have a possible life span greater than __________ . A. man B. the man C. the one of the man’s D. that of man 24: The closest friend ________ his little boy visits us every Sunday. A. on account of B. in regard to C. in connection with D. in company with 25: Their discussion quickly developed into a ________ argument over who should receive the money. A. burning B. heated C. hot D. scorching 26: Such relaxing days were few and far ________ in her hectic life. A. between B. off C. beyond D. out 27: My new glasses cost me ________ the pair that I bought last month. A. more than three times B. three times as much as C. as much three times as D. more three times than 28: “What would you do in my position?” – “Were ________ like that, I would complain to the manager.” A. I be treated B. I treated C. I to be treated D. to treat 29: If you want a good flat in London, you have to pay through the _______ for it. A. mouth B. ear C. nose D. teeth