Read - Unit 3 trang 31 SGK Tiếng Anh 8

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Lan’s mother, Mrs. Quyen, is at her local community center. She is reading one of the posters on the wall.

Safety Precautions in the Home

- You must put all chemicals and drugs in locked cupboards. Children may drink or eat these things because they look like soft drinks or candy.

- You must not let children plav in the kitchen. The kitchen is a dangerous place.

- You have to make sure children do not plav with matches. Each year, fire destroys homes and injures children because someone plays with matches. Remember, it only takes one match to cause a fire.

- You must cover electrical sockets so that children do not try to put anything into them. Electricity can kill.

- You have to keep all dangerous objects out of children s reach. These include scissors, knives, and small objects such as beads.

Dịch bài:

Bà Quyên, mẹ của Lan ở trung tâm cộng đồng địa phương. Bà đang đọc áp phích treo trên tường.

Cảnh báo an toàn trong nhà

- Bạn phải để toàn bộ hoả chất và thuốc uổng vào tủ có khoá. Trẻ có thể uống hoặc ăn những thứ này bởi vì chúng có vẻ giống các loại nước giải khát hay kẹo.

- Bạn không được phép cho trẻ chơi ở trong bếp. Bếp là một nơi nguy hiểm.

- Bạn phải chắc rằng trẻ không chơi diêm. Mỗi năm, hỏa hoạn thiêu hủy nhà cửa và làm trẻ bị thương bởi vì có người chơi diêm. Nên nhớ rằng chỉ một que diêm cũng gây hỏa hoạn.

- Bạn phải che đậy các nguồn điện để trẻ không thể đặt bất cứ thứ gì vào chúng. Điện có thể tàm chết người.

- Bạn phải đặt tẩt cả các vật nguy hiểm ra khỏi tầm với của trẻ. Những vật này gồm kẻo, dao và các đè vật nhỏ như hạt cườm.

1. Answer

True or false? Check () the boxes. Correct the false sentences. (Đúng hay sai? Em hãy đánh dấu () vào cột đúng và sửa câu sai lại cho đúng.)




a) It is safe to leave medicine around the house.



b) Drugs can look like candy.



c) A kitchen is a suitable place to play.



d) Playing with one match cannot start a fire.



e) Putting a knife into an electrical socket is dangerous.



f) Young children do not understand that many household objects are dangerous



Trả lời:




a) It is safe to leave medicine around the house.

⟶ It is safe to keep medicine in locked cupboards.


b) Drugs can look like candy.


c) A kitchen is a suitable place to play.

⟶ It is a dangerous place.


d) Playing with one match cannot start a fire.

⟶ A match/ Playing with one match can start a fire.


e) Putting a knife into an electrical socket is dangerous.


f) Young children do not understand that many household objects are dangerous


2. Ask and answer. (Hỏi và trả lời)

a) Why must we put all chemicals and drugs in locked cupboards?

Because children often try to eat and drink them.

b)   Why mustn’t we let children play in Ihe kitchen?

Because________________________________ .

c)    Why mustn’t children play with matches?

Because________________________________ .

d)   Why must we cover electrical sockets?

Because________________________________ .

e)   Why do we have to put all dangerous objects out of children’s reach?

Because _______________________________ .

Trả lời:

a. We must put all the chemicals and drugs in locked cupboards because chidren can mistake the chemicals and drugs for soft drinks and candy, and they can eat and drink them.

b. We musn't let children play in the kitchen because the kitchen is a dangerous place.

c. Because one match can cause a fire and fire destroys homes and injures children.

Children musn't play with matches because one match can cause a fire and fire destroys homes and injures children.

d. Because children cannot put anything into electric sockets. Electricicty can kill them.

We must cover electrical sockets because children cannot put anything into electric sockets. Electricicty can kill them.

e. Because they can injure and even kill children.

We have to put all dangerous objects out of children’s reach because they can injure and even kill children.