Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank:

          Looking ahead, ASEAN wants to accelerate economic integration by creating a European Union-style single market. This will (1)__________ scrapping tariffs and liberalizing trade and the movement of labor and capital.
         The move is, in part, a (2)_______ to the vigorous economic growth of China and India - two low-wage mass markets. ASEAN is (3)_________ free trade agreements with both countries, and with Japan. A deal between ASEAN and China would create the world's (4)________ free trade zone.
        ASEAN held its first East Asian Summit (EAS) in late 2005. The EAS (5)________ the ASEAN countries and China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand on a biennial basis. The forum is seen as a way of creating a trade bloc to (6)_______ the EU and US.
        In November 2007, ASEAN leaders signed a landmark charter aimed at (7)______ up and deepening economic integration. It turns ASEAN (8)__________ a rules-based legal entity and also commits member states to promoting human (9)________ and democratic ideals.
        The charter needs ratification by all ten members but Philippines President Gloria Arroyo has warned that her country is (10)________ to ratify it unless fellow-member Burma frees democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi.



1. A. involve                 B. combine                     C. consider                  D. gather
2. A. feedback              B. battle                        C. quarrel                     D. response
3. A. speaking              B. convincing                 C. negotiating              D. arguing
4. A. highest                B. biggest                      C. widest                      D. deepest
5. A. classifies              B. consists                     C. groups                     D. multiplies
6. A. fight                     B. compete                    C. rival                          D. beat
7. A. speeding             B. overcoming                C. launching                  D. pulling
8. A. for                       B. with                            C. above                       D. into
9. A. laws                    B. rights                          C. rules                         D. principles
10. A. impossible         B.incapable                    C. unsuccessful             D. unlikely


1. C                2. D                      3. B                        4. B                    5. C

6. C                7. A                      8. D                        9. B                    10. C


1. C                2. D                      3. C                       4. B                    5. C

6. A                7. C                      8. D                        9. D                    10. C


1. A                2. D                      3. C                        4. B                    5. C

6. C                7. A                      8. D                        9. B                    10. D


1. C                2. D                      3. B                       4. C                    5. C

6. A                7. C                      8. D                        9. B                    10. C

Đáp án và lời giải
Đáp án:C
Lời giải:

1. combine          2. response             3. negotiating          4. biggest            5. groups

6. rival                7. speeding             8. into                       9. rights              10. unlikely

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