Read the following passage then answer the questions

Last week, Hung had a sore throat. And she coughed a lot. Hung's mother gave her some tablets of amoxicillin and asked her to take them. But Hung did not relieve. So she had to stay at home 3 days from Tuesday to Thursday. On Friday, Hung's aunt, Mrs. An visited her family and she suggested using honey, ginger, salt and lemon juice to mix together. She asked Hung to drink a little sometimes. After 2 hours, Hung felt more pleasant. One day passed, Hung's disease almost disappears. Thank for her aunt's visiting, Hung had a special cure for her sore throat.

What's the matter with Hung?

A.A. toothache
B.B. backache
C.C. sore throat
D.D. headache
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Dẫn chứng: Last week, Hung had a sore throat. And she coughed a lot. 

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